Saturday, April 14, 2007

We're not in Kansas Anymore

Friday night, come Hell or high water, is SCRAPBOOKING NIGHT!!! Good Lord up in Heaven, don't you realize that sending us floods or tornados is not going to stop the insanity of scrapbooking!!!!

That's what my husband said, anyway. Paula and I piled up in the car and headed into the hazy evening to our friend Julie's house. We laughed on the way, talking about just that thing. It was all fun and games until the winds began to howl outside the upstairs window. The rain pelted down and brought the hail with it. We turned on the AM station radio and listened to reports of tornadoes touch down all around us, including right down the street from our homes. I was so grateful that we had left the children with our husbands for the evening- instead of sitters. The kids apparently enjoyed huddling in the bathroom floor with the big boxer dog and little bitty kitty cat... All was fine, Thank God. The storm passed in ten minutes. Paula rushed down the stairs to stick some pieces of hail into the freezer for her insurance adjuster husband.

Before we knew it we were laughing and scrapbooking as if nothing had ever happened. It was overall a fantastic night. We had a blast. Nothing like a little life-threatening storm to get the ol' adrenaline flowing.

More soon~ Amanda

1 comment:

Paula Phillips said...

The funny thing about my "insurance adjuster husband" is that when I got home - there was a ziplock bag in our freezer with hailstones in it also. Ours were bigger - na ne na na boo boo :) He taught me well - hehe! We did have a good time despite it all didn't we :)