Thursday, July 5, 2007

When it rains...

Ever have one of those days when you are just ready to wave the white flag or throw in the towel... just say "to hell with it!" Today is definately one of those days. I look around at my mess of a house that I'm struggling to find time to clean...just got a call from my editor that there are big edits to be done... and the site is still not up. I'm pretty much ready to bury my head in the sand and say "Okay! YOU win! I give up!!!" But, something tells me I won't. Today I'll get through it all and do what has to be done. Tomorrow I'll wake up refreshed and wonder what I was so upset about.

But today- it's a really freakin' big deal. Off to cry and have a little pity party for a while...

And- is the rain EVER going to stop!!!


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