Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Oh What a Night (or Day)

Today was a wonderful mid-60's outside. It was a crazy, hectic day. But now dinner is in the oven. Paul and the kids are vegging out and I finally have some time to myself. I'm excited to tell you that the Design Originals website is being re-vamped and about to be done! My sources tell me that it will go live in a little over a week. Then, you'll be able to purchase the "Oodles of Doodles" book digital scrapbooking kits! I'm excited about that in particular because it was my boggle-eyes that stayed up all those hours putting the kits together for your wonder! Thanks to the girls at DigiShopTalk when I had my panic attack about brush sizes. You guys (gals) rock!! So, as soon as I can figure out how to post the previews on here I will. They are very, very cute. The designers over there really out-did themselves. Scroll down to the bottom to see the previews.

Friday is approaching, which means crop night! Yay!! After a flat tire this week, and pulling out my hair over several things I won't mention here, I'm ready for the break and the night out with the girls.

On a lighter note, I received my latest issue of "Memory Makers" magazine yesterday. In the very back in a tiny lower corner of one of the last pages is an ad for the "Digi-Scrappin' 101" book ad. Yay!! It was really exciting to see that. It'll be even more thrilling to walk into a store and see it on the shelves. So, come on, those of you with stores- please buy it up!! :-)

The next books are in the works. I'll keep you posted on their progress and when they'll be released. Enough rambling for tonight.... more later.... Amanda

1 comment:

Paula Phillips said...

I'm so excited for you about your book! I'm looking forward to cropping with you Friday too - we'll have bunches of fun as we always do when we're together. We're just some wild and crazy gals - hehe!
LOL ~Paula