Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Household Appliance Manslaughter

It's not quite as gruesome as it sounds. I have a history with coffee makers. I don't even drink that much coffee. And, I don't buy cheap coffee-pots. But, none-the-less, our Black & Decker coffeemaker is done. Only after about 6 months... it's quit completely. Ugh! That's our 5th one on 4 years!! Who does that!

Then, yesterday Paul was vacuuming. A novel idea at our house...lol. But, our Bissel that's less than a year old- completely died!! So, now that's two new appliances that died...

But it doesn't end there. The cordless phone (of which there is one in our house...how weird is that...) is on it's last leg. The 1 and 8 just don't work anymore. So, gotta get one of those too.

Let's not talk about the vertical blinds to the patio or the curtains that rest there-on.... or the cornace-board in the guest bathroom. Doesn't my house know I'm trying to build a website and get ready for CHA!! I simply don't have time for this... ugh.

More soon.... :-)

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