Friday, October 19, 2007

All in a Day's Work

It feels like I'm a new woman!! Spent last night boxing up the leftover contents of the craft room to put in the garage. Finished up this morning. It's so weird to have the entire contents of my paper scrapbooking life condensed to one small rolling cart~ really weird. Paul and I went through the whole house and straightened, put away, boxed up.... etc. This afternoon the cleaners came to tackle the deep cleaning. Now, here I sit, alone in the house, waiting for Paula and Julie to get here for scrapbooking night. It feels so strange, great, and odd- to have a completely clean house. What a wonderful feeling! I'm so excited.... they'll be coming back in two weeks, and it's WELL worth it! I'm addicted to digital scrapbooking- and house cleaning!!! lol... well, only if other people are doing it (the house cleaning, I think...)

So, Julie's here and Paula's on the way.... time to scrap!

More soon~ Amanda

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